Courtship After Marriage

When husbands and wives date after marriage they have a strengthened relationship. It’s important to date after your married because it shows your spouse that you care about them and are committed to working on this relationship. When a husband and wife are consistently working to strengthen their relationship, it allows them to be happier and it shows their children the proper way to have a relationship. When the parents are on the same page, it creates a stronger family unit. You can’t plant a flower seed, sit it in the dark, and expect it to grow. It won’t. It needs sunlight and water. Just like a flower relationships need to be cared for. 

“Many people think that when the children are born, that is where your focus should be and they neglect their relationship with their spouse. This is the wrong thing to do because children grow up and move out. Then you’re left there with your husband or wife and a broken relationship because you didn’t take the time to work on it.”  

Dating after marriage is good because it allows you to spend alone time with your spouse. Sometimes it can be hard to find time to spend together with all the obligations people have. 

Elder L. Whitney Clayton stated that “in the happiest marriages both the husband and wife consider their relationship to be a pearl beyond price, a treasure of infinite worth.”

When people don’t take time to strengthen their relationship they could grow apart. That is why it’s important to constantly be striving to have healthy relationship. 

"Marriage is a gift from God to us. The quality of our marriage is our gift back to him." -L. Whitney Clayton