“While marriage is difficult, and discordant and frustrated marriages are common, yet real, lasting happiness is possible, and marriage can be more an exultant ecstasy than the other human mind can conceive. This is within the reach of every couple, every person.” -Spencer W. Kimball
The Proclamation states that “marriage between a man or woman is ordained of God” and that “husband and wife have a solemn responsibility to love and care for each other.”
“When trouble comes, the parties to a contractual marriage seek happiness by walking away. They marry to obtain benefits and will stay only as long as they’re receiving what they bargained for. But when troubles come to a covenant marriage, the husband and wife work them through. They marry to give and to grow, bound by covenants to each other, to the community, and to God. Contract companions each give 50 percent. But covenant companions each give 100 percent. Enough and to space. Each gives enough to cover any shortfall by the other.” Elder Bruce C Hafen
Successful covenant marriages are founded on the teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ and tied to our discipleship. David A. Bednar states, “The Lord Jesus Christ is the Focal point in a covenant marriage relationship. Please notice how the Savior is position at the apex of this triangle, with a woman at the base of one corner and a man at the base of the other corner. Now consider what happens in the relationship between the man and the woman as they individually and steadily “come unto Christ” and strive to be “perfected in Him.” Because of and through the Redeemer, the man and woman come closer together.”
“When a husband and wife go together frequently to the holy temple, kneel in prayer together in their home with their family, go hand in hand to their religious meetings, keep their lives wholly chase-mentally and physically-so that their whole thoughts and desires and loves are all centered in the one being, their companion and both work together for the upbuilding of the kingdom of God, then happiness is at its pinnacle.” Spencer W. Kimball
True marital love emerges from profound friendship.
5 Things To Improve Couple Interaction
1.) Respond to bids for attention, affection, humor, or support. An announcement of “I’ve had a rotten day” can be met with an acknowledgment of feelings, a hug, and an invitation to talk about it more.
2.) Make an effort to do everyday activities together, such as reading the mail or making the bed.
3.) Have a stress-reducing conversation at the end of the day. This involves reuniting at the end of a busy day to see how things went, and listening to and validating one another.
4.)Do something special every day to communicate affection and appreciation.
5.) Keep track of how well you are connecting emotionally with each other, and make enhancements when necessary.
Husbands and wives should have an accepting influence. That means counseling with and listening to one’s spouse, respecting and considering his or her opinions as valid as one’s own, and compromising when making decisions together.
“If you want something to last forever, you treat it differently. You shield it and protect it. You never abuse it. You don’t expose it to the elements. You don’t make it common or ordinary. If it ever becomes tarnished, you lovingly polish it unit it gleans like new. It becomes special because you have made it do, and it grows more beautiful and precious as time goes by. Eternal Marriage is just like that. We need to treat it just that way.” -Elder F. Burton Howard